
White Paper: Defined Biomatrices Accelerate MSC Manufacturing Across Scales
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PBS-Mini User Manual
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PBS-Mini Microcarrier Cell Culture Guidelines (MSC)
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PBS-Mini Datasheet
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App. Note: The Use of Vertical-Wheel Technology for Superior Culture Homogeneity and Expansion of hiPSCs
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App. Note: T Cell Expansion in PBS Mini Using CellGenix Reagents
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PBS-3 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Single-Use Sensors, v4 Software) [P/Ns: IA-3-B-711 & -712]
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PBS-3 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Reusable Sensors, v4 Software) [P/Ns: IA-3-B-511 & -512]
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PBS-3 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Single-Use Sensors, v3 Software) [P/Ns: IA-3-B-701 & -702]
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PBS-3 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Reusable Sensors, v3 Software) [P/Ns: IA-3-B-501 & -502]
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White Paper: Superior Microcarrier-Based iPSC Expansion in PBS-3 VW Bioreactor
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White Paper: Aggregate Perfusion Medium Exchange in Vertical-Wheel Bioreactors for Scalable PSC Production
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App. Note: Use of 60 Micron Plastic Retention Filter for Perfusion MX with PBS-3 Vertical-Wheel Bioreactor
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PBS-3 Datasheet
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PBS-15 & PBS-80

PBS-15 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Single-Use Sensors, v3 Software) [P/Ns: IA-15-B-701 & -702]
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PBS-15 and PBS-80 Single-Use Bioreactor User Manual (Reusable Sensors, v3 Software) [P/Ns: IA-15-B-501 & -502; IA-80-B-511 & -512]
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PBS-80L Datasheet
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PBS-15L Datasheet
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Software Release Notes

Version 4.0 (PBS-3)
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Version 3.2.0 (PBS-3, PBS-15, PBS-80)
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Version 3.1.0 (PBS-3, PBS-15, PBS-80)
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Version 3.0.9 (PBS-3, PBS-15, PBS-80)
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Version 3.0.8 (PBS-3, PBS-15, PBS-80)
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Version 3.0.7 (PBS-3, PBS-15, PBS-80)
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